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网址:www.qingdiann.oy56.cn  2021-06-18  作者:admin    阅读:

Determine the main line of wedding planning creativity
1、 According to the "theme" design wedding opening, pay attention to "novel, wonderful, momentum", opening to "dazzle"!
2. According to the "theme" to design the "point" of the middle part of the wedding, pay attention to "moving, aestheticism and enrichment", the midfield should be "full"!
3. Design the wedding ending according to the "theme", pay attention to "clean, interactive and aftertaste", and the ending should be "meaning is not enough"!
说明:策划婚礼就像写文章,讲究“凤头、猪肚、豹尾”,开场要华丽,让人产生强烈的震撼,牢牢的抓住来宾的眼睛,希望继续看下去。中间部分必须“点题”,用丰富细腻的笔法抒发,是所有的情感积淀“爆发”的时刻。而结尾部分要结合主题,使扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训所有来宾参与进来,达到互动效果的同时,马上收笔,新人在全场快乐的气氛中快速退场,留给大家“还想再看”的余味,避免拖沓。
Note: planning a wedding is like writing an article. It pays attention to "phoenix head, pig belly and leopard tail". The opening should be gorgeous, making people have a strong shock, firmly grasping the eyes of guests, hoping to continue to see. The middle part must "point out the topic" and express it with rich and delicate strokes, which is the time when all the emotional accumulation "erupts". At the end, the theme should be combined to make all the guests participate in the interaction. When the interaction effect is achieved, the pen should be closed immediately. The new comer exits quickly in the happy atmosphere of the whole audience, leaving everyone with the aftertaste of "still want to see" to avoid procrastination.

